Buy lyrica online USA

General health LYRICA 150 MG, 75 MG
$0.83 PER PILL

Active ingredient — Pregabalin

Antiepileptic agent; binds to the additional subunit (a2-delta protein) of the potential-dependent Ca2 + -channels in the CNS, which promotes the manifestation of analgesic and anticonvulsant action. Reduction in the frequency of seizures begins within the first week.

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This content has been written and checked for quality and accuracy. Content Administrator Updated on: 13/10/2023. Next review: 13/04/2024

Lyrica tablets: effects on the body and what is the purpose of the drug?

For those who are unfamiliar with such a drug, it will be useful to read additional information for effective use of this modern pharmacological therapeutic agent. Lyrica tablets are an antiepileptic drug designed to relieve and reduce seizures. Doctors widely use modern techniques to help patients with severe psychosomatic disease. The drug performs the role of anticonvulsant and antiepileptic due to the presence of a special formula.

The components bind to the calcium channels of neurons, so that the proteins in the tissues of the nervous system acquire more characteristic properties of alpha-2-delta.

Treatment with Lyrica helps significantly reduce pain syndromes, calms the neural endings of the nervous system, acts on the body as a powerful analgesic.

The active ingredients easily overcome internal barriers and can reach all corners of the body in a short period of time. The inner formula of the tablets does not provide for active interaction with plasma protein. Patients have long appreciated the effectiveness of the drug as a strong analgesic and neuroleptic.

The drug Lyrica and its pharmacology

There are a large number of diseases that require special treatment and attention to people subjected to severe seizures, which can cause a lot of suffering and even lead to tragic consequences.

Lyrica tablets are designed to help epileptics and those for whom epileptic seizures become a real threat. The main component that gives good therapeutic effect is pregabalin, which practically does not interact with plasma proteins and is not subject to metabolism. By taking Lyrica tablets on an empty stomach, you can be sure that they will quickly be absorbed into the tissues and get to the right place.

If you do not follow the doctor’s orders and use them after a heavy meal, the result will have to wait a very long time, and the effectiveness is reduced several times. It is required to wait at least one hour after a meal and only then use the drug. It is eliminated from the body through the kidneys. The linear nature of the pharmokinetics allows healthy people and those with different forms of epilepsy to use Lyrica pregabalin with the same effectiveness.

Lyrica tablets – use and prescription

Epilepsy is an illness that is characterized by sudden and very painful seizures. People in this condition cannot control the actions of their body. Severe seizures can cause serious injuries and painful shock. Lyrica is prescribed for patients with fibromyalgia, people suffering from various kinds of neuropathic pain. The remedy is used for nervous disorders, allergies and sudden feelings of panic. It is considered the most effective in choosing therapeutic effects on the body of patients with epilepsy.

Existing contraindications

To prevent possible adverse effects, doctors caution patients who have:

How the drug works

The active ingredient is pregabalin, which in its structure is an exact analog of gamma-aminobutyric acid. It maximally inhibits the delivery of calcium to the neurons, due to which there is a long-lasting pain relief that helps with seizures. Patients tolerate the drug well, used as a therapeutic supplement in long-term outpatient or inpatient treatment. During clinical trials, it was found that even a shock dose of twice the normal dosage was easily tolerated by the patient with no apparent effects.

However, with prolonged treatment, irreversible effects associated with brain cell death can occur. The drug is toxic when administered uncontrollably, so be sure to consult with your doctor. The Chance Rehabilitation Center provides patients with the opportunity to receive comprehensive treatment, regular consultations and supervision by a practicing physician.

How to take the pills

In order not to encounter problems before taking the drug, you should carefully study the enclosed instructions and, in case of questions, get advice from the attending physician. Following simple rules, you can not fear that treatment with Lyrica will harm you or be ineffective.

  1. Taking out the capsule, there is no need to crush or chew the drug. You swallow it right away and drink plenty of liquid. You can use chilled tea, juice, or milk. Here it all depends on personal preference only.
  2. The specialist must choose an individual dosage and duration of treatment. The doctor is guided by the anamnesis, the severity of the disease and the personal characteristics of the patient.
  3. A patient suffering from any manifestation of neuropathic pain should take capsules twice a day in the minimum dosage. In case of low efficacy, a doubling of the dose is required. Adjustments should not be made independently without the advice of a physician.
  4. The drug Lyrica may be taken in a daily dose of no more than 600 mg. Increasing the dosage may only be done under the supervision of a specialist. 5.The course of treatment should not be stopped suddenly. The dosage should be gradually reduced over the course of a week. Physician describes the regimen in detail, indicating the scheme, dosage and time. It is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of the specialist.
  5. Patients suffering from epileptic seizures receive a sedative several times a day in small portions. An individual approach to the choice of method will help to avoid negative consequences and malfunction of individual organs.
  6. Patients receiving complex treatment do not need to adjust the intake of other medications, because it does not affect their effectiveness. It does not matter much how many medications a patient takes at a time.

By strictly following the prescription, you can get good support in a critical situation. With long-term use, dosages should be adjusted based on how the body feels and reacts. Any abnormalities require an immediate visit to the physician and adjustments to the dosage and method of administration.

Danger of overdose

Numerous clinical trials and practices of use have been unable to identify contraindications, poisoning, or symptoms of overdose.

However, if a rash, itching, urge to vomit or diarrhea occurs, you should rinse the stomach as quickly as possible and stop taking the medicine immediately. After that, go to the doctor and find out the reason that led to the negative consequences.

Examining the numerous reviews of specialists and patients, we can conclude that the most frequent patients complain about dizziness, the emergence of headaches and increasing distraction. In addition, sometimes there is a slowing down of conversation, slurred pronunciation of words, inhibition of reflexes, memory impairment, loss of sense of taste, increased nervousness. In particularly acute cases, asymptomatic fainting or even coma may occur.

For some patients, the drug acts as a strong stimulant, resulting in a dramatic improvement in mood and euphoria, but this may be abruptly replaced by panic, depression, sleep loss or hallucinations. To avoid negative effects, the drug intake is strictly regulated by the doctor, who must choose an individual dosage and constantly monitor the patient.

Important things to keep in mind

Special instructions

Many people today use cars all the time, so before prescribing full treatment with pregabalin, you need to make sure that the person can tolerate it normally. Increased drowsiness can cause an accident. Patients who work in urban motor vehicles need to make sure that the pills do not impair coordination of movement before a full course of treatment.

For those undergoing hemodialysis, an additional 25 to 100 mg of the drug should be prescribed. The decision is made by the attending physician, based on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. Deviations in liver function do not require dosage adjustments. Elderly patients should be prescribed the drug only after they have undergone a comprehensive full examination.

Interaction with other drugs

Long-term use has not been able to reveal significant deviations in the body when receiving complex treatment. The drug is quickly excreted with the urine and has no depressing or catalyzing effect on other drugs used for treatment. Few patients suffering from central nervous system dysfunction have complained about a feeling of suffocation when using pregabalin together with a complex of other drugs. In this case, the doctor must individually approach the dosage and regimen of taking the pills.

How to take for pregnant and lactating women

Numerous clinical trials on animals have shown that the drug may have an adverse effect on the fetus and be toxic to reproductive organs, so its prescription is extremely undesirable during pregnancy and lactation.

Only in extreme cases, women who are hospitalized can be prescribed the drug under the strict supervision of a doctor – if the effect on the body exceeds the possible negative consequences. There is a possibility of excretion of the main component of the drug with the breast milk, so in lactation the drug should be completely excluded until the end of breastfeeding.

Can be used by children

The drug should not be used to treat children of any age up to adulthood. Only in extreme cases with total control can minor doses be used for therapeutic purposes.

Price and repackaging

The industry offers capsules of 50, 75, 150, 300 mg. One package may contain one to four blisters containing 15 capsules. The cost depends on the amount of the active ingredient, the number of tablets and convolutes in the pack. For clarification, it is best to contact your nearest pharmacy and find out the exact amount.

How to store the drug

The drug may be stored in a closed package for up to three years in a dark, dry place at a temperature of 15 to 25 degrees Celsius. You should choose a place out of reach of children and direct sunlight. It is unacceptable to store the tablets in a humid place near central heating radiators.

Analogues, their advantages and disadvantages

Several similar drugs are available that have the main component pregabalin. The main advantage can be considered a lower cost. The disadvantages include low effectiveness due to the small concentration of the main component.

In addition, the mass of unknown additives can have a strong negative effect on the body. It is best not to experiment with your health and use a well-tested medication prescribed by your doctor.

Articles about lyrica

Antiepileptic agent; binds to the additional subunit (a2-delta protein) of the potential-dependent Ca2 + -channels in the CNS, which promotes the manifestation of analgesic and anticonvulsant action. Reduction in the frequency of seizures begins within the first week.

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